
You have a shop, restaurant, office or plant? You’re thinking of renovating the inside of your building to spruce it up, whatever your business.

Sylca Construction has mastered the art of completing commercial and industrial renovations. We can change your work environment to better reflect who you are and what you do.

We complete renovation work down to the last detail. We remain on site until the final touch is made on your project! We follow city rules regarding regulatory standards and can change your interior in compliance with current renovation and building standards.

With our team of professionals, which includes all specialists from the renovation field, the only limit to the work we can do is your imagination!

You want to complete maintenance and improvement work once the renovations are completed? Take advantage of a maintenance plan that consists in an hour bank to complete various work in your business or commercial premises, which you can use at your convenience.

Latest Achievements

We love to enter your universe. The Sylca Construction team is always very pleased to create a decor that meets your expectations. Who wants an office, business or plant that’s depersonalized?

We’re proud of the commercial and industrial renovation work we’ve completed. Discover our most recent mandates and understand why our clients are satisfied with our work when they see a final result that meets their expectations.

For more achievements

Let our expertise make your day.

Give us a call.